2016 m. birželio 11 d., šeštadienis

Heybuddydate.se is unical web page for pets,husdjur(swedish),i made it for swedish citizens who have pets,but just for the begining,soon i will make it for all world.I willl just change domain and from se to com.Actualy there can register any1 from any country.You can make her your own forum exemple "Russian members" and become an admin of it.You can sell and buy things better for pets and much more thing is what to do there.I made it without abonement for better using,you need to pay for this time which you want,ex. for 1 week you pay 35 kr,and become silver member so you can use everything iin site for 1 week,75 kr for 1 month and 450kr for 1 year.So i dont think it big prices.
Becouse it brayn new webpage thre is not much users ,but its very special and i made it with hope what people who have pets,realy care about them.So kindly asking  you  to join my web www.heybuddydate.se